Peer-reviewed Journal Publications


  1. J. Folz, J. Jo, M. Gonzalez, A. Eido, T. Zhai, R. Caruso, C. Kleer, X. Wang, R. Kopelman. Photoacoustic lifetime oxygen imaging of radiotherapy-induced tumor reoxygenation In Vivo. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. 21:100241, (2024).
  2. J. Song, T. Zhai, HS Hahm, Y. Li, H. Mao, X. Wang, J. Jo, JW. Chang. Development of a Dual Factor Activatable Covalent Targeted Photoacoustic Imaging Probe for Tumor Imaging. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. e202410645 (2024).
  3. K. W. Chang, M. S. Karthikesh, Y. Zhu, H. M. Hudson, S. Barbay, D. Bundy, D. J. Guggenmos, S. Frost, R. J. Nudo, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “Photoacoustic imaging of squirrel monkey cortical responses induced by peripheral mechanical stimulation,” J. Biophotonics doi: 10.1002/jbio.202300347 (2024).
  4. V.P. Nguyen, A.J. Karoukis, W. Qian, L. Chen, N.D. Perera, D. Yang, Q. Zhang, J. Zhe, J. Henry, B. Liu, and W. Zhang “Multimodal Imaging-Guided Stem Cell Ocular Treatment”, ACS nano(2024).
  5. M. Wang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen, Y.M. Paulus, X. Wang, and X. Yang , “Real-time cavitation monitoring during optical coherence tomography guided photo-mediated ultrasound therapy of the retina”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering(2024).
  6. Z. Xu, W. Zhang, C. Quesada, X. Wang, and M. Fabiilli, “Longitudinal Monitoring of Angiogenesis in a Murine Window Chamber Model In Vivo”, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 30(3), 93-101(2024).
  7. M. Wang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen, Y. M. Paulus, X. Wang, X. Yang, “Real-time cavitation monitoring during optical coherence tomography guided photo-mediated ultrasound therapy of the retina“, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2024)
  8. V. P. Nguyen, A. J. Karoukis, W. Qian, L. Chen, N. D. Perera, D. Yang, Q. Zhang, J. Zhe, J. Henry, B. Liu, W. Zhang, A. T. Fahim, X. Wang, Y. M. Paulus, “Multimodal Imaging-Guided Stem Cell Ocular Treatment“,ACS nano (2024).


  1. W. Zhang, I. Oraiqat, D. Litzenberg, K.-W. Chang, S. Hadley, N. B. Sunbul, M. M. Matuszak, C. J. Tichacek, E. G. Moros, P. L. Carson, K. C. Cuneo, X. Wang, and I. El Naqa, “Real-time, volumetric imaging of radiation dose delivery deep into the liver during cancer treatment”, Nature Biotechnology 41(8):1160-1167 (2023).
  2. M. Wang, V. P. Nguyen, R. Singh, B. Mossallam, X. Yang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Choroidal neovascularization removal with photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” Medical Physics 2023. doi: 10.1002/mp.16404.
  3. J. Jo, J. Folz, M. E. Gonzalez, A. Paoli, A. Eido, E. Salfi, S. Tekula, S. Ando, R. Caruso, C. G. Kleer, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Personalized Oncology by In Vivo Chemical Imaging: Photoacoustic Mapping of Tumor Oxygen Predicts Radiotherapy Efficacy,” ACS Nano 17(5), 4396-4403 (2023).
  4. J. Jo, D. Mills, A. Dentinger, D. Chamberland, N. M. Abdulaziz, X. Wang, E. Schiopu, and G. Gandikota, “Photoacoustic Imaging of COVID-19 Vaccine Site Inflammation of Autoimmune Disease Patients,” Sensors 23(5):2789 (2023).
  5. J. Jo, E. Salfi, J. Floz, A. M. Udager, E. Keller, R. Kopelman, S. R. Kothapalli, G. Xu, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic Spectral Analysis for Evaluating the Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer Labeled by Methylene Blue Polyacrylamide Nanoparticles,” Biosensors 13(3): 403 (2023).
  6. V. P. Nguyen, J. Henry, J. Zhe, J. Hu, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Multimodal imaging of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization in pigmented rabbits,” Scientific Reports 13(1): 3896 (2023).
  7. X. Peng, Z. Xu, A. Dentinger, S. Kewalramani, J. Jo, G. Xu, D. Chamberland, N. Abdulaziz, G. Gandikota, D. Mills, and X. Wang, “Longitudinal volumetric assessment of inflammatory arthritis via photoacoustic imaging and Doppler ultrasound imaging,” Photoacoustics 31:100514 (2023).
  8. V. P. Nguyen, W. Qian, J. Zhe, J. Henry, M. Wang, B. Liu, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Renally Clearable Ultraminiature Chain-Like Gold Nanoparticle Clusters for Multimodal Molecular Imaging of Choroidal Neovascularization,” Advanced Materials 35(31): e2302069 (2023).
  9. W. K. Lin, L. Ni, X. Wang, and J. L. Guo, and G. Xu, “Fabrication of a translational photoacoustic needle sensing probe for interstitial photoacoustic spectral analysis,” Photoacoustics 31:100519 (2023).
  10. L. Ni, X. Wang, and G. Xu, “Photoacoustic clinical applications: Musculoskeletal and abdominal imaging,” Z Med. Phys. 33(3): 324-335 (2023).
  11. Z. Xu, C. S. Locke, R. Morris, D. Jamison, K. M. Kozloff, and X. Wang, “Development of a semi-anthropomorphic photoacoustic calcaneus phantom based on nano computed tomography and stereolithography 3D printing,” J. Orthop. Res. doi: 10.1002/jor.25702. (2023).
  12. J. Folz, J. H. Wasserman, J. Jo, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Photoacoustic Chemical Imaging Sodium Nano-Sensor Utilizing a Solvatochromic Dye Transducer for In Vivo Application,” Biosensors 13(10): 923 (2023).
  13. M. Wang, R. Singh, W. Zhang, J. S. Orringer, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Cutaneous Hypervascularization Treatment Using Photo-Mediated Ultrasound Therapy,” JID Innovations 3(6):100237 (2023).
  14. Z. Xu, W. Zhang, C. Quesada, X. Wang, and M. Fabiilli, “Longitudinal monitoring of angiogenesis in a murine window chamber model in vivo,” Tissue Eng. Part C Methods doi: 10.1089/ten.TEC.2023.0289 (2023).
  15. X. Peng, A. Dentinger, S. Kewalramani, Z. Xu, S. Gray, S. Ghose, Y.T. Tan, Z. Yang, J. Jo, D. Chamberland, G. Xu, N. Abdulaziz, G. Gandikota, D. Mills, and X. Wang, “An automatic 3-D ultrasound and photoacoustic combined imaging system for human inflammatory arthritis,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 70(12): 1691-1702 (2023).
  16. K.W. Chang, E. Belekov, X. Wang, K.Y. Wong, Ö. Oralkan, and G. Xu, “Photoacoustic imaging of visually evoked cortical and subcortical hemodynamic activity in mouse brain: feasibility study with piezoelectric and capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) arrays”, Biomedical Optics Express, 14(12), 6283-6290(2023).
  17. L. Ni, W. Zhang, W. Kim, A. Warchock, A. Bicket, X. Wang, S.E. Moroi, A. Argento, and G. Xu, “3D imaging of aqueous veins and surrounding sclera using a dual-wavelength photoacoustic microscopy”, Biomedical Optics Express, 14(12), 6291-6300(2023).


  1. K. W. Chang, Y. Zhu, H. M. Hudson, S. Barbay, D. J. Guggenmos, R. J. Nudo, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic imaging of squirrel monkey cortical and subcortical brain regions during peripheral electrical stimulation,” Photoacoustics 25: 100326 (2022).
  2. Y. Qin, Y. Yu, J. Fu, M. Wang, X. Yang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Photo-mediated ultrasound therapy for the treatment of retinal neovascularization in rabbit eyes,” Lasers Surg. Med. 54(5), 747-757 (2022).
  3. G. Xu, N. Khan, A. Almazroa, M. Pawar, C. Besirli, Y. M. Paulus, X. Wang, and H. Demirci, “Safety evaluation of photoacoustic tomography system for intraocular tumors,” Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 11(3):30 (2022).
  4. K. W. Chang, Y. Zhu, X. Wang, K. Y. Wong, and G. Xu, “Label-free photoacoustic computed tomography of mouse cortical responses to retinal photostimulation using a pair-wise correlation map,” Biomed. Opt. Express 13(2), 1017-1025 (2022).
  5. V. P. Nguyen, J. Henry, J. Zhe, Q. Kieu, W. Qian, Y. Fu, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Age differential response to bevacizumab therapy in choroidal neovascularization in rabbit,” Exp. Eye Res. 223:109215 (2022).
  6. Y. Zhu, L. Ni, G. Hu, L. A. Johnson, K. A. Eaton, X. Wang, P. D. R. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Prototype endoscopic photoacoustic-ultrasound balloon catheter for characterizing intestinal obstruction,” Biomedical Optics Express 13(6), 3355-3365 (2022).
  7. M. S. Karthikesh, S. Wu, R. Singh, Y. M. Paulus, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “Effect of Photo-Mediated Ultrasound Therapy on Nitric Oxide and Prostacyclin from Endothelial Cells”, Applied Sciences, 12(5), 2617, 2022.
  8. X. Li, W. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Wu, M. Wang, X. Tan, Y.M. Paulus, X. Fan, and X. Wang “In vivo tracking of individual stem cells labeled with nanowire lasers using multimodality imaging”, Biomedical Optics Express, 13(9), 4706-4717(2022).
  9. L. Ni, W.K. Lin, A. Kasputis, D. Postiff, J. Siddiqui, M.J. Allaway, M.S. Davenport, J.T. Wei, J.L. Guo, T.M. Morgan, and A.M. Udager , “Assessment of prostate cancer progression using a translational needle photoacoustic sensing probe: Preliminary study with intact human prostates ex-vivo”, Photoacoustics, 28, 100418(2022).
  10. V.P. Nguyen, T. Zhu, J. Henry, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y.M. Paulus , “Multimodal In Vivo Imaging of Retinal and Choroidal Vascular Occlusion”, Photonics, 9(3), 201(2022).


  1. H. Zhang, G. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L. Wen, M. Zhang, J. Pan, P. Wang, X. Wang, Q, Cheng, and X. Wang, “Quantitatively assessing port-wine stains using a photoacoustic imaging method: A pilot study,” J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. S0190-9622(20)33183-2 (2021).
  2. V. P. Nguyen, J. Folz, Y. Li, J. Henry, W. Zhang, T. Qian, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Indocyanine green-enhanced multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography molecular imaging of choroidal neovascularization,” J. Biophotonics 14(5):3202000458 (2021).
  3. V. P. Nguyen, W. Qian, Y. Li, B. Liu, M. Aaberg, J. Henry, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Chain-like gold nanoparticle clusters for multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical cohenrence tomography enhanced molecular imaging,” Nature Communications 12(1), 34 (2021).
  4. Y. Li, W. Zhang, V. P. Nguyen, N. W. Khan, X. Xia, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Retinal safety evaluation of photoacoustic microscopy,” Exp. Eye Res. 202: 108368 (2021).
  5. V. P. Nguyen, W. Qian, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Functionalized contrast agents for multimodality photoacoustic microscopy, optical coherence tomography, and fluorescence microscopy molecular retinal imaging,” Methods Enzymol. 657, 443-480 (2021).
  6. V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, J. Henry, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Gold Nanorod Enhanced Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography of Choroidal Neovascularization” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13(34): 40214-40228 (2021).
  7. Y. Yu, Y. Qin, J. Fu, Y. Li, W. Zhang, T. Zhu, L. Jiang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Long-term multimodal imaging characterization of persistent retinal neovascularization using DL-alpha-aminoadipic acid in pigmented and white rabbits,” Exp. Eye Res. 207:108577 (2021).
  8. V. P. Nguyen, W. Fan, T. Zhu, W. Qian, Y. Li, B. Liu, W. Zhang, J. Henry, S. Yuan, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Long-term, noninvasive in vivo tracking of progenitor cells using multimodality photoacoustic, optical coherence tomography, and fluorescence imaging,” ACS Nano 15(8), 13289-13306 (2021).
  9. V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, J. Henry, T. Qian, W. Zhang, X. Wang, Y. M. Paulus, “In Vivo Subretinal ARPE-19 Cell Tracking Using Indocyanine Green Contrast-Enhanced Multimodality Photoacoustic Microscopy, Optical Coherence Tomography, and Fluorescence Imaging for Regenerative Medicine,” Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 10(10):10 (2021).
  10. Y. Jiang, C. Peng, Y. Zhu, X. Ma, G. Xu, J. Yuan, X. Wang, and P. Carson, “Biomedical photoacoustic imaging with unknown spatially distributed ultrasound sensor array,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. (2021). doi: 10.1109/TBME.2021.3056715.
  11. T. Feng, Y. Zhu, R. Morris, K. M. Kozloff, and X. Wang, “The feasibility study of the transmission mode photoacoustic measurement of human calcaneus bone in vivo,” Photoacoustics 23, 100273 (2021).
  12. L. Ni, J. Siddiqui, A. M. Udager, J. Jo, J. T. Wei, M. S. Davenport, P. L. Carson, J. B. Fowlkes, X. Wang, and G. Xu, “Characterizing the aggressiveness of prostate cancer using an all-optical needle photoacoustic sensing probe: feasibility study,” Biomed Opt. Express 12(8): 4873-4888 (2021).
  13. N. H. Ba Sunbul, W. Zhang, I. Oraiqat, D. W. Litzenberg, K. L. Lam, K. Cuneo, J. M. Moran, P. L. Carson, X. Wang, S. D. Clarke, M. M. Matuszak, S. A. Pozzi, and I. El Naqa, “A simulation study of ionizing radiation acoustic imaging (iRAI) as a real-time dosimetric technique for ultra-high dose rate radiotherapy (UHDR-RT),” Med. Phys. 48(10):6137-6151 (2021).


  1. Y. Qin, Y. Yu, X. Xie, W. Zhang, J. Fu, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “The effect of laser and ultrasound synchronization in photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 67(12): 3363-3370 (2020).
  2. Y. Zhu, T. Feng, Q. Cheng, X. Wang, S. Du, N. Sato, M. Kuniyil Ajith Singh, J. Yuan, “Towards Clinical Translation of LED-Based Photoacoustic Imaging: A Review,” Sensors (Basel) 20(9), 2484 (2020).
  3. W. Zhang, Y. Li, V. P. Nguyen, K. Derouin, X. Xia, Y. M. Paulus, and X. Wang, “Ultralow energy photoacoustic microscopy for ocular imaging in vivo,” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(6), 066003 (2020).
  4. W. Zhang, I. Oraiqat, H. Lei, P. L. Carson, I. El Naqa, and X. Wang, “Dual-Modality X-Ray-Induced Radiation Acoustic and Ultrasound Imaging for Real-Time Monitoring of Radiotherapy,” BME Frontiers, Article ID 9853609 (2020).
  5. I. Oraiqat, W. Zhang, D. Litzenberg, K. Lam, N. Ba Sunbul, J. Moran, K. Cuneo, P. Carson, X. Wang, and I. El Naqa, “An Ionizing Radiation Acoustic Imaging (iRAI) Technique for Real-time Dosimetric Measurements for FLASH Radiotherapy,” Medical Physics 47(10), 5090-5101 (2020).
  6. H. Zhang, S. Huang, Y. Chen, W. Xie, M. Zhang, J. Pan, N. Sato, X. Wang, D. Wu, and Q. Cheng, “Examining the technical feasibility of prostate cancer molecular imaging by transrectal photoacoustic tomography with transurethral illumination,” Experimental Biology and Medicine 245(4):313-320 (2020).
  7. S. Agrawal, K. Johnstonbaugh, J. Y. Clark, J. D. Raman, X. Wang, and S. R. Kothapalli, “Design, development, and multi-characterization of an integrated clinical transrectal ultrasound and photoacoustic device for human prostate imaging,” Diagnostics 10(8), E566 (2020).
  8. V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, J. Henry, W. Zhang, M. Aaberg, S. Jones, T. Qian, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Plasmonic Gold Nanostar-Enhanced Multimodal Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography Molecular Imaging To Evaluate Choroidal Neovascularization,” ACS Sensors 5(10), 3070-3081 (2020).
  9. V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, J. Henry, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “High Resolution Multimodal Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography Visualization of Choroidal Vascular Occlusion”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(18), 6508 (2020).
  10. X. Li, W. Zhang, W. Y. Wang, X. Wu, Y. Li, X. Tan, D. L. Matera, B. M. Baker, Y. M. Paulus, X. Fan, and X. Wang, “Optical coherence tomography and fluorescence microscopy dual-modality imaging for in vivo single-cell tracking with nanowire lasers,” Biomedical Optics Express 11(7), 3659-3672 (2020).
  11. J. Jo, J. Siddiqui, Y. Zhu, L. Ni, S. Kothapalli, S. A. Tomlins, J. T. Wei, E. T. Keller, A. M. Udager, X. Wang, and G. Xu, “Photoacoustic spectral analysis at ultraviolet wavelengths for characterizing the Gleason grades of prostate cancer,” Optics Letters 45(21), 6042-6045 (2020).
  12. J. Jo, G. Xu, E. Schiopu, D. Chamberland, G. Gandikota, and X. Wang, “Imaging of enthesitis by an LED-based photoacoustic system,” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(12): 126005 (2020).
  13. W. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Yu, K. Derouin, Y. Qin, V. P. Nguyen, X. Xia, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Simultaneous photoacoustic microscopy, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, and fluorescein microscopy multi-modality retinal imaging,” Photoacoustics 20, 100194 (2020).
  14. J. W. Y. Tan, J. Folz, R. Kopelman, and X. Wang, “In vivo photoacoustic potassium imaging of the tumor microenvironment,” Biomedical Optics Express 11(7), 3507-3522 (2020).
  15. T. Feng, Y. Zhu, R. Morris, K. M. Kozloff, and X. Wang, “Functional Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Assessment of Osteoporosis: A Clinical Feasibility Study,” BME Frontiers 2020, 1081540 (2020).
  16. M. Wang, Y. Qin, T. Wang, J. S. Orringer, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Removing subcutaneous microvessels using photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 52(10): 984-992 (2020).
  17. Y. Qin, Y. Yu, J. Fu, X. Xie, T. Wang, M. A. Woodward, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Photo-mediated ultrasound therapy for the treatment of corneal neovascularization in rabbit eyes,” Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 9(13):16 (2020).


  1. Y. Xu, Y. Wang, J. Yuan, Q. Cheng, X. Wang, and P. L. Carson, “Medical breast ultrasound image segmentation by machine learning,” Ultrasonics 91, 1-9 (2019).
  2. C. H. Lee, J. Folz, J.W.Y. Tan, J. Jo, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Chemical imaging in vivo: photoacoustic-based 4-dimensional chemical analysis,” Analytical Chemistry 91(4), 2561-2569 (2019).
  3. X. Li, Y. Qin, X. Tan, Y.-C. Chen, Q. Chen, W.-H. Weng, X. Wang, and X. Fan, “Ultrasound modulated droplet lasers,” ACS Photonics 6(2), 531-537 (2019).
  4. O. Rom, G. Xu, Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, H. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Fan, W. Liang, H. Lu, Y. Liu, M. Aviram, Z. Liu, S. Kim, W. Liu, X. Wang, Y. E. Chen, and L. Villacorta, “Nitro-fatty acids protect against steatosis and fibrosis during development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice,” EBioMedicine 41, 62-72 (2019).
  5. V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, W. Qian, B. Liu, C. Tian, W. Zhuang, Z. Huang, A. Ponduri, M. Tarnowski, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Contrast agent enhanced multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography for imaging of rabbit choroidal and retinal vessels in vivo,” Scientific Reports 9(1):5945 (2019).
  6. H. Lei, L. A. Johnson, K. A. Eaton, S. Liu, J. Ni, X. Wang, P. D. R. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Characterizing intestinal strictures of Crohn’s disease in vivo by endoscopic photoacoustic imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express 10(5), 2542-2555 (2019).
  7. X. Lu, X. Dong, S. Natla, O. D. Kripfgans, J. B. Fowlkes, X. Wang, R. Franceschi, A. J. Putnam, and M. L. Fabiilli, “Parametric Study of Acoustic Droplet Vaporization Thresholds and Payload Release From Acoustically-Responsive Scaffolds,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 45(9), 2471-2484 (2019).
  8. Y. Li, W. Zhang, V. P. Nguyen, R. Rosen, X. Wang, X. Xia, and Y. M. Paulus, “Real-time OCT guidance and multimodal imaging monitoring of subretinal injection induced choroidal neovascularization in rabbit eyes,” Experimental Eye Research 186, 107714 (2019).
  9. J. W. Y. Tan, M. D. Murashov, G. R. Rosania, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic imaging of clofazimine hydrochloride nanoparticle accumulation in cancerous vs normal prostates,” PLoS One 14(7), e0219655 (2019).
  10. V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “High-resolution multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography image-guided laser induced branch retinal vein occlusion in living rabbits,” Scientific Reports 9(1), 10560 (2019).
  11. W. Zhang, Y. Qin, X. Xie, Z. Hu, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Real-time photoacoustic sensing for photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” Optics Letters 44(16), 4063-4066 (2019).
  12. Y. Zhu, X. Lu, X. Dong, J. Yuan, M. L. Fabiilli, and X. Wang, “LED-based photoacoustic imaging for monitoring angiogenesis in fibrin scaffolds,” Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 25(9), 523-531 (2019).
  13. Y. Zhu, L. A. Johnson, J. M. Rubin, H. Appelman, L. Ni, J. Yuan, X. Wang, P. D. R. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Strain-photoacoustic imaging as a potential tool for characterizing intestinal fibrosis,” Gastroenterology 157(5), 1196-1198 (2019).
  14. J. Jo, C. H. Lee, J. Floz, J. W. Y. Tan, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “In Vivo Photoacoustic Lifetime Based Oxygen Imaging with Tumor Targeted G2 Polyacrylamide Nanosonophores,” ACS Nano 13(12), 14024-14032 (2019).
  15. X. Ma, C. Peng, J. Yuan, Q. Cheng, G. Xu, X. Wang, and P. L. Carson, “Multiple Delay and Sum with Enveloping Beamforming Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 39(6), 1812-1821 (2019).


  1. X. Zhou, D. Cai, X. He, S.-L. Chen, X. Wang, and T. Yang, “Ultrasound detection at fiber end-facets with surface plasmon resonance cavities,” Optics Letters 43(4), 775-778 (2018).
  2. C. Tian, W. Zhang, V. P. Nguyen, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Novel Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography Dual-modality Chorioretinal Imaging in Living Rabbit Eyes,” J. Vis. Exp.(132), e57135, doi:10.3791/57135 (2018).
  3. T. Koker, N. Tang, C. Tian, W. Zhang, X. Wang, R. Martel, and F. Pinaud, “Cellular imaging by targeted assembly of hot-spot SERS and photoacoustic nanoprobes using split-fluorescent protein scaffolds,” Nature Communications 9(1): 607 (2018).
  4. Y. Zhu, L. A. Johnson, Z. Huang, J. M. Rubin, J. Yuan, H. Lei, J. Ni, X. Wang, P. D. R. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Identifying intestinal fibrosis and inflammation by spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging: an animal study in vivo,” Biomedical Optics Express 9(4), 1590-1600 (2018).
  5. S. Huang, Y. Qin, Y. Chen, J. Pan, C. Xu, D. Wu. W. Y. Chao, J. T. Wei, S. A. Tomlins, X. Wang, J. B. Fowlkes, P. L. Carson, Q. Cheng, and G. Xu, “Interstitial assessment of aggressive prostate cancer by physio-chemical photoacoustics: an ex vivo study with intact human prostates,” Medical Physics 45(9), 4125-4132 (2018).
  6. J. W. Y. Tan, C. H. Lee, R. Kopelman, and X. Wang, “Transient Triplet Differential (TTD) Method for Background Free Photoacoustic Imaging,” Scientific Reports 8(1), 9290 (2018). PMCID: PMC6006254
  7. S. Li, Y. Qin, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “Bubble growth in cylindrically-shaped optical absorbers during photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” Physics in Medicine & Biology 63(12), 125017 (2018).
  8. Y. Zhu, G. Xu, J. Yuan, J. Jo, G. Gandikota, H. Demirci, T. Agano, N. Sato, Y. Shigeta, and X. Wang, “Light emitting diodes based photoacoustic imaging and potential clinical applications,” Scientific Reports 8(1), 9885 (2018).
  9. H. Zhang, X. Xie, J. Li, Y. Qin, W. Zhang, Q. Cheng, S. Yuan, Q. Liu, Y. M. Paulus, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “Removal of choroidal vasculature using concurrently applied ultrasound bursts and nanosecond laser pulses,” Scientific Reports 8(1): 12848 (2018).
  10. H. Lei, W. Zhang, I. Oraiqat, Z. Liu, J. Ni, X. Wang, and I. El Naqa, “Toward in vivo dosimetry in external beam radiotherapy using x-ray acoustic computed tomography: A soft-tissue phantom study validation,” Medical Physics 45(9), (2018).
  11. J. Jo, C. Tian, G. Xu, J. Sarazin, E. Schiopu, G. Gandikota, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic tomography for human musculoskeletal imaging and inflammatory arthritis detection,” Photoacoustics 12, 82-89 (2018).
  12. J. Jo, G. Xu, Y. Zhu, M. Burton, J. Sarazin, E. Schiopu, G. Gandikota, and X. Wang, “Detecting joint inflammation by an LED-based photoacoustic imaging system: a feasibility study,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(11), 1-4 (2018).
  13. M. D. Murashov, J. Diaz-Espinosa, V. LaLone, J.W.Y. Tan, R. Laza, X. Wang, and G. R. Rosania, “Synthesis and Characterization of a Biomimetic Formulation of Clofazimine Hydrochloride Microcrystals for Parenteral Administration,” Pharmaceutics 10(4), 238 (2018).
  14. W. Zhang, Y. Li, V. P. Nguyen, Z. Huang, Z. Liu, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “High-resolution, in vivo multimodal photoacoustic microscopy, optical coherence tomography, and fluorescence microscopy imaging of rabbit retinal neovascularization,” Light: Science & Applications 7:103 (2018).
  15. V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, M. Aaberg, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “In Vivo 3D Imaging of Retinal Neovascularization Using Multimodal Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging,” Journal of Imaging 4(12), 150 (2018).
  16. V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Multi-wavelength, en-face photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography imaging for early and selective detection of laser induced retinal vein occlusion,” Biomedical Optics Express 9(12), 5915-5938 (2018).


  1. Z. Hu, H. Zhang, A. Mordovanakis, Y. Paulus, Q. Liu, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “High-precision, non-invasive anti-microvascular approach via concurrent ultrasound and laser irradiation,” Scientific Reports 7, 40241 (2017).
  2. X. Gao, C. Tao, X. Liu, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic eigen-spectrum from light-absorbing microspheres and its application in noncontact elasticity evaluation,” Applied Physics Letters 110, 054101 (2017).
  3. S. Hickling, H. Lei, M. Hobson, P. Leger, X. Wang, and I. El Naqa, “Experimental evaluation of x-ray acoustic computed tomography for radiotherapy dosimetry applications,” Medical Physics 44(2), 608-617 (2017).
  4. H. Zhang, W.-Y. Chao, Q. Cheng, S. Huang, X. Wang, D. Wu, and G. Xu, “Interstitial photoacoustic spectral analysis: instrumentation and validation,” Biomedical Optics Express 8(3), 1689-1697 (2017). PMCID: PMC5480572.
  5. G. Xu, Y. Xue, Z. G. Ozkurt, N. Slimani, X. Wang, K. Xia, T. Ma, Q. Zhou, and H. Demirci, “Photoacoustic imaging features of intraocular tumors: retinoblastoma and uveal melanoma,” PLoS one 12(2), e0170752 (2017). PMCID: PMC5322961.
  6. K. H. Kim, W. Luo, C. Zhang, C. Tian, L. J. Guo, X. Wang, and X. Fan, “Air-coupled ultrasound detection using capillary-based optical ring resonators”, Scientific Reports 7, 109 (2017).
  7. C. Tian, W. Zhang, A. Mordovanakis, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Noninvasive chorioretinal imaging in living rabbits using integrated photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography,” Opt. Express 25(14), 15947-15955 (2017).
  8. C. H. Lee, J. Folz, W. Zhang, J. Jo, J. W. Y. Tan, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Ion-selective nanosensors for photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging of potassium,” Analytical Chemistry 89(15), 7943-7949 (2017).
  9. J. Jo, C. H. Lee, R. Kopelman, and X. Wang, “In Vivo Quantitative Imaging of Tumor pH by Nanosonophore assisted Multi spectral Photoacoustic Imaging”, Nature Communications 8(1), 471 (2017). PMCID: PMC5589864.
  10. J. Jo, G. Xu, M. Cao, A. Marquardt, S. Francis, G. Gandikota, and X. Wang, “A Functional Study of Human Inflammatory Arthritis Using Photoacoustic Imaging,” Scientific Reports 7(1), 15026 (2017). PMCID: PMC567024.


  1. P. Gu, W. M. Lee, M. A. Roubidoux, J. Yuan, X. Wang, and P. L. Carson, “Automated 3D ultrasound image segmentation to aid breast cancer image interpretation,” Ultrasonics 65, 51-58 (2016).
  2. A. Orza, Y. Yang, T. Feng, X. Wang, H. Wu, Y. Li, L. Yang, X. Tang, and H. Mao, “A nanocomposite of Au-Agl core/shell dimmer as a dual-modality contrast agent for x-ray computed tomography and photoacoustic imaging,” Medical Physics 43, 589-599 (2016).
  3. G. Xu, Z. Meng, J. Lin, C. X. Deng, P. L. Carson, J. B. Fowlkes, and X. Wang, “High resolution physio-chemical tissue analysis: toward non-invasive in vivo biopsy,” Scientific Reports 6, 16937 (2016). PMCID: PMC4740791.
  4. R. K. Keswani, C. Tian, T. Peryea, G. Girish, X. Wang, and G. R. Rosania, “Repositioning Clofazimine as a Macrophage-Targeting Photoacoustic Contrast Agent,” Scientific Reports 6, 23528 (2016). PMCID: PMC4802322.
  5. H. Lei, L. Johnson, S. Liu, D. Moons, T. Ma, Q. Zhou, M. Rice, J. Ni, X. Wang, P. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Characterizing intestinal inflammation and fibrosis in Crohn’s disease by photoacoustic imaging: feasibility study,” Biomed. Opt. Express 7(7), 2837-2848 (2016).
  6. M. Ye, M. Cao, J. Yuan, Y. Chen, Q. Cheng, C. Tao, X. Liu, and X. Wang, “Adaptive speed of sound correction with photoacoustic tomography for imaging quality optimization,” Chinese Optics Letters 14(8), 081701 (2016).
  7. T. Feng, Q. Li, C. Zhang, G. Xu, L. J. Guo, J. Yuan, and X. Wang, “Characterizing cellular morphology by photoacoustic spectrum analysis with an ultra-broadband optical ultrasonic detector,” Optics Express 24(17), 19853-19862 (2016). PMCID: PMC5025227.
  8. C. Tian, T. Feng, C. Wang, S. Liu, Q. Cheng, D. E. Oliver, X. Wang, and G. Xu, “Non-contact photoacoustic imaging using a commercial heterodyne interferometer,” IEEE Sensors Journal 16(23), 8381-8388 (2016).
  9. M. Cao, T. Feng, J. Yuan, G. Xu, X. Wang, and P. L. Carson, “Spread spectrum photoacoustic tomography with image optimization,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. (2016).
  10. C. Tian, W. Qian, X. Shao, Z. Xie, X. Cheng, S. Liu, Q. Cheng, B. Liu, and X. Wang, “Plasmonic Nanoparticles with Quantitatively Controlled Bioconjugation for Photoacoustic Imaging of Live Cancer Cells,” Advanced Science 3(12), 1600237 (2016).
  11. X. Shao, P. Schnau, W. Qian, and X. Wang, “Quantitatively understanding cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles via radioactivity analysis,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15(5) 3834-3838, (2015). PMCID: PMC4578661
  12. M. Cao, J. Yuan, S. Du, G. Xu, X. Wang, P. L. Carson, and X. Liu, “Full-view photoacoustic tomography using asymmetric distributed sensors optimized with compressed sensing method,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 21, 19-25 (2015).
  13. Y. Wang, J. Yuan, S. Du, X. Liu, and X. Wang, “Adaptive multi-sampled-based photoacoustic tomography with imaging quality optimization,” Chinese Optics Letters 13(6), 061001 (2015).
  14. J. Yin, F. Zhao, C. Tao, X. Wang, and X. Liu, “Listen to the chemical and histological information in biological tissue,” Chinese Chemical Letters 26(4), 395-400 (2015).
  15. G. Xu, J. B. Fowlkes, C. Tao, X. Liu, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic spectrum analysis for microstructure characterization in biological tissue: Analytical model,” Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 41(5), 1473-1480 (2015). PMCID: PMC4355958
  16. X. Gao, C. Tao, X. Wang, and X. Liu, “Quantitative imaging of microvasculature in deep tissue with a spectrum-based photo-acoustic microscopy,” Optics Letters 40(6), 970-973 (2015).
  17. T. Feng, K. M. Kozloff, C. Tian, J. E. Perosky, Y.-S. Hsiao, S. Du, J. Yuan, C. X. Deng, and X. Wang, “Bone assessment via thermal photo-acoustic measurements,” Optics Letters 40(8), 1721-1724 (2015). PMCID:  PMC4470252
  18. T. Feng, J. E. Perosky, K. M. Kozloff, G. Xu, Q. Cheng, S. Du, J. Yuan, C. X. Deng, and X. Wang, “Characterization of bone microstructure using photoacoustic spectrum analysis,” Optics Express 23(19), 25217-25224 (2015). PMCID: PMC4646513.
  19. C. Tian, Z. Xie, M. Fabiilli, and X. Wang, “Imaging and sensing based on dual-pulse nonlinear photoacoustic contrast: a preliminary study on fatty liver,” Optics Letters 40(10), 2253-2256 (2015). PMCID:  PMC4581454.
  20. S. Wang, T. Chao, Y. Yang, X. Wang, and X. Liu, “Theoretical and experimental study of spectral characteristics of photoacoustic signal from Stochastic distributed particles,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 62(7), 1245-1255 (2015).
  21. C. Tian, Z. Xie, M. Fabiilli, S. Liu, C. Wang, Q. Cheng, and X. Wang, “Dual-pulse nonlinear photoacoustic technique: a practical investigation,” Biomedical Optics Express 6(8), 2923-2933 (2015). PMCID: PMC4541520.
  22. Z. Chu, J. Yuan, S. Z. Pinter, O. D. Kripfgans, X. Wang, P. L. Carson, X. Liu, “Temperature imaging with speed of ultrasonic transmission tomography for medical treatment control: A physical model-based method,” Chinese Physics B 24(10), 104301-104306 (2015).
  23. G. Xu, M. C. David, J. Siddiqui, S. A. Tomlins, S. Huang, L. P. Kunju, J. T. Wei, and X. Wang, “Quantifying Gleason scores with photoacoustic spectral analysis: feasibility study with human tissues”, Biomedical Optics Express 6(12), 4781-4789 (2015).  PMCID: PMC4679253.
  24. S. Wang, C. Tao, X. Gao, X. Wang, and X. Liu, “Quantitative photoacoustic examination of abnormal particles hidden in a mixture of particles with non-uniform sizes,” Optics Express 23(25), 32253-32260 (2015).
  25. S.-L. Chen, L. J. Guo, and X. Wang, “All-optical photoacoustic microscopy,” Photoacoustics 3(4), 143-150 (2015).
  26. G. Xu, Z.-X. Meng, J. D. Lin, J. Yuan, P. Carson, B. Joshi, and X. Wang, “The Functional Pitch of an Organ: Quantification of Tissue Texture with Photoacoustic Spectrum Analysis,” Radiology 271(1), 248-254 (2014). PMCID: PMC4127893.
  27. X. Zhang, J. Yuan, S. Du, O. D. Kripfgans, X. Wang, and P. L. Carson, “Improved digital breast tomosynthesis images using automated ultrasound,” Medical Physics 41, 061911 (2014). PMCID: PMC4032424.
  28. W. Li, J. Yuan, Q. Shen, Y. Yu, Y. Zhou, S. Du, X.-J. Liu, G. Xu, and X. Wang, “Novel Image Optimization Method for Joints Photoacoustic Tomography,” Chinese Physics Letter 31(5), 054302 (2014).
  29. S. Kaiplavil, A. Mandelis, X. Wang, and T. Feng, “Photothermal tomography for the functional and structural evaluation, and early mineral loss monitoring in bones,” Biomedical Optics Express 5(8), 2488-2502 (2014).
  30. A. Ray, A. Mukundan, Z. X. Xie, L. Karamchand, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Highly stable polymer coated nano-clustered silver plates: a multimodal optical contrast agent for biomedical imaging,” Nanotechnology 25(44), 445104 (2014). PMCID: PMC4244271.
  31. G. Xu, J. R. Rajian, G. Girish, M. J. Kaplan, J. B. Fowlkes, P. L. Carson, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic and ultrasound dual-modality imaging of human peripheral joints,” J. Biomed. Opt. 18(1), 10502 (2013). PMCID: PMC3520078.
  32. S. Wang, C. Tao, X. Wang, and X. Liu, “Quantitative detection of stochastic microstructure in turbid media by photoacoustic spectral matching,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 114102 (2013).
  33. A. Ray, H. K. Yoon, Y. E. Koo Lee, R. Kopelman, and X. Wang, “Sonophoric nanoprobe aided pH measurement in vivo using photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Analyst 138(11), 3126-3130 (2013). PMCID: PMC4111223.
  34. J. R. Rajian, X. Shao, D. L. Chamberland, and X. Wang, “Characterization and treatment monitoring of inflammatory arthritis by photoacoustic imaging: a study on adjuvant-induced arthritis rat model,” Biomedical Optics Express 4(6), 900-908 (2013). PMCID: PMC3675868.
  35. Y.-S. Hsiao, X. Wang, and C. X. Deng, “Dual-wavelength photoacoustic technique for monitoring tissue status during thermal treatments,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(6): 67003 (2013). PMCID: PMC3670975.
  36. J. Yuan, G. Xu, Y. Yu, Y. Zhou, P. L. Carson, X. Wang, and X. Liu “Real-time photoacoustic and ultrasound dual-modality imaging system facilitated with graphics processing unit and code parallel optimization,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(8), 086001 (2013). PMCID: PMC3733419.
  37. X. Shao, X. Wang, S. J. English, T. Desmond, P. S. Sherman, C. A. Quesada, and M. R. Piert, “Imaging of Carrageenan-Induced Local Inflammation and Adjuvant-Induced Systemic Arthritis with [11C]PBR28 PET”, Nuclear Medicine and Biology 40(7), 906-911 (2013). PMCID: PMC3788650.
  38. S.-L. Chen, Z. Xie, L. J. Guo, and X. Wang, “A fiber-optic system for dual-modality photoacoustic microscopy and confocal fluorescence microscopy using miniature components,” Photoacoustics 1(2), 30-35 (2013). PMCID: PMC3899796.
  39. Z. Xie, F. M. Hooi, J. B. Fowlkes, R. W. Pinsky, X. Wang and P. L. Carson, “Combined photoacoustic and acoustic imaging of human breast specimens in the mammographic geometry,” Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 39(11), 2176-2184 (2013). PMCID: PMC3786015.
  40. H. Zhang, P. R. Patel, Z. Xie, S. D. Swanson, X. Wang, and N. A. Kotov, “Tissue-compliant neural implants from microfabricated carbon nanotube multilayer composite,” ACS Nano 7(9), 7619-7629 (2013).
  41. H. K. Yoon, A. Ray, Y.-E. Koo Lee, G. Kim, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Polymer-protein hydrogel nanomatrix for stabilization of indocyanine green towards targeted fluorescence and photoacoustic bio-imaging,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1, 5611-5619 (2013). PMCID: PMC3820374.
  42. Z. Xie, S.-L. Chen, M. L. Fabiilli, J. B. Fowlkes, K. K. Shung, Q. Zhou, P. L. Carson, and X. Wang, “Simultaneous viewing of individual cells and ambient microvasculature using optical absorption and fluorescence contrasts,” Molecular Imaging 12(8), 1536 (2013). PMCID: PMC4060516.
  43. S.-L. Chen, J. Burnett, D. Sun, X. Wei, Z. Xie, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic microcopy: a potential new tool for evaluation of angiogenesis inhibitor, ” Biomedical Optics Express 4(11), 2657-2666 (2013). PMCID: PMC3829558.
  44. D. Wu, C. Tao, X.-J. Liu, and X. Wang, “Influence of limited-view scanning on depth imaging of photoacoustic tomography,” Chinese Physics B 21(1), 014301 (2012).
  45. A. Ray, J. R. Rajian, Y-E. Koo Lee, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Lifetime-based photoacoustic oxygen sensing in vivo,” J. Biomed. Opt. 17, 057004 (2012).
  46. Y. Yang, S. Wang, C. Tao, X. Wang, and X. Liu, “Photoacoustic tomography of tissue subwavelength microstructure with a narrowband and low frequency system,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 034105 (2012).
  47. J. R. Rajian, G. Girish, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic tomography to identify inflammatory arthritis,” J. Biomed. Opt. 17(9), 096013 (2012).
  48. S. L. Chen, Z. Xie, T. Ling, L. J. Guo, X. Wei, and X. Wang, “Miniaturized all-optical photoacoustic microscopy based on MEMS mirror scanning,” Optics Letters 37(20), 4263-4265 (2012).
  49. G. Xu, I. A. Dar, C. Tao, X. Liu, C. X. Deng, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic spectrum analysis for microstructure characterization in biological tissue: A feasibility study,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 221102 (2012).
  50. C. M. Chow, Y. Zhou, Y. Guo, T. B. Norris, X. Wang, C. Deng, and J. Y. Ye, “Broadband optical ultrasound sensor with a unique open-cavity structure,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(1), 017001 (2011).
  51. X. Wang, J. B. Fowlkes, J. M. Cannata, C. Hu, and P. L. Carson, “Photoacoustic Imaging with a Commercial Ultrasound System and a Custom Probe”, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 37, 484-492 (2011).
  52. R. E. Kumon, C. X. Deng, and X. Wang, “Frequency-domain analysis of photoacoustic imaging data from prostate adenocarcinoma tumors in a murine model,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 37(5), 834-839 (2011).
  53. X. Shao, A. Agarwal, J. R. Rajian, N. A. Kotov, and X. Wang, “Synthesis and bioevaluation of 125I-labeled gold nanorods,” Nanotechnology 22, 135102 (2011).
  54. Z. Xie, S. L. Chen, T. Ling, L. J. Guo, P. L. Carson, and X. Wang, “Pure optical photoacoustic microscopy,” Optics Express 19(10), 9027-9034 (2011).
  55. A. Agarwal, X. Shao, J. R. Rajian, D. L. Chamberland, N. A. Kotov, and X. Wang, “Dual mode imaging with radiolabeled gold nanorods,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 16, 051307 (2011).
  56. J. R. Rajian, M. L. Fabiilli, J. B. Fowlkes, P. L. Carson, and X. Wang, “Drug delivery monitoring by photoacoustic tomography with an ICG encapsulated double emulsion,” Optics Express 19, 14335-14347 (2011).
  57. A. Ray, X. Wang, Y.-E. K. Lee, H. J. Hah, G. Kim, T. Chen, D. A. Orringer, O. Sagher, X. Liu, and R. Kopelman, “Targeted blue nanoparticles as photoacoustic contrast agent for brain tumor delineation,” Nano Research 4(11), 1163-1173 (2011).
  58. S.L. Chen, Z. Xie, P. L. Carson, X. Wang, and L. J. Guo, “In vivo flow speed measurement of capillaries by photoacoustic spectroscopy,” Optics Letters 36(20), 4017-4019 (2011).
  59. X. Shao, H. Zhang, J. Rajian; D. Chamberland, P. Sherman, C. Quesada, A. Koch, N. Kotov, X. Wang, “125I-Labeled Gold Nanorods for Targeted Imaging of Inflammation,” ACS Nano 5(11), 8967-8973 (2011).
  60. Z. Xie, W. Roberts, P. Carson, X. Liu, C. Tao, and X. Wang, “Evaluation of bladder microvasculature with high-resolution photoacoustic imaging,” Optics Letters 36(24), 4815-4817 (2011).
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