Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
- J. Folz, J. Jo, M. Gonzalez, A. Eido, T. Zhai, R. Caruso, C. Kleer, X. Wang, R. Kopelman. Photoacoustic lifetime oxygen imaging of radiotherapy-induced tumor reoxygenation In Vivo. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. 21:100241, (2024).
- J. Song, T. Zhai, HS Hahm, Y. Li, H. Mao, X. Wang, J. Jo, JW. Chang. Development of a Dual Factor Activatable Covalent Targeted Photoacoustic Imaging Probe for Tumor Imaging. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. e202410645 (2024).
- K. W. Chang, M. S. Karthikesh, Y. Zhu, H. M. Hudson, S. Barbay, D. Bundy, D. J. Guggenmos, S. Frost, R. J. Nudo, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “Photoacoustic imaging of squirrel monkey cortical responses induced by peripheral mechanical stimulation,” J. Biophotonics doi: 10.1002/jbio.202300347 (2024).
- V.P. Nguyen, A.J. Karoukis, W. Qian, L. Chen, N.D. Perera, D. Yang, Q. Zhang, J. Zhe, J. Henry, B. Liu, and W. Zhang “Multimodal Imaging-Guided Stem Cell Ocular Treatment”, ACS nano(2024).
- M. Wang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen, Y.M. Paulus, X. Wang, and X. Yang , “Real-time cavitation monitoring during optical coherence tomography guided photo-mediated ultrasound therapy of the retina”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering(2024).
- Z. Xu, W. Zhang, C. Quesada, X. Wang, and M. Fabiilli, “Longitudinal Monitoring of Angiogenesis in a Murine Window Chamber Model In Vivo”, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 30(3), 93-101(2024).
- M. Wang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen, Y. M. Paulus, X. Wang, X. Yang, “Real-time cavitation monitoring during optical coherence tomography guided photo-mediated ultrasound therapy of the retina“, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2024)
- V. P. Nguyen, A. J. Karoukis, W. Qian, L. Chen, N. D. Perera, D. Yang, Q. Zhang, J. Zhe, J. Henry, B. Liu, W. Zhang, A. T. Fahim, X. Wang, Y. M. Paulus, “Multimodal Imaging-Guided Stem Cell Ocular Treatment“,ACS nano (2024).
- W. Zhang, I. Oraiqat, D. Litzenberg, K.-W. Chang, S. Hadley, N. B. Sunbul, M. M. Matuszak, C. J. Tichacek, E. G. Moros, P. L. Carson, K. C. Cuneo, X. Wang, and I. El Naqa, “Real-time, volumetric imaging of radiation dose delivery deep into the liver during cancer treatment”, Nature Biotechnology 41(8):1160-1167 (2023).
- M. Wang, V. P. Nguyen, R. Singh, B. Mossallam, X. Yang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Choroidal neovascularization removal with photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” Medical Physics 2023. doi: 10.1002/mp.16404.
- J. Jo, J. Folz, M. E. Gonzalez, A. Paoli, A. Eido, E. Salfi, S. Tekula, S. Ando, R. Caruso, C. G. Kleer, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Personalized Oncology by In Vivo Chemical Imaging: Photoacoustic Mapping of Tumor Oxygen Predicts Radiotherapy Efficacy,” ACS Nano 17(5), 4396-4403 (2023).
- J. Jo, D. Mills, A. Dentinger, D. Chamberland, N. M. Abdulaziz, X. Wang, E. Schiopu, and G. Gandikota, “Photoacoustic Imaging of COVID-19 Vaccine Site Inflammation of Autoimmune Disease Patients,” Sensors 23(5):2789 (2023).
- J. Jo, E. Salfi, J. Floz, A. M. Udager, E. Keller, R. Kopelman, S. R. Kothapalli, G. Xu, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic Spectral Analysis for Evaluating the Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer Labeled by Methylene Blue Polyacrylamide Nanoparticles,” Biosensors 13(3): 403 (2023).
- V. P. Nguyen, J. Henry, J. Zhe, J. Hu, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Multimodal imaging of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization in pigmented rabbits,” Scientific Reports 13(1): 3896 (2023).
- X. Peng, Z. Xu, A. Dentinger, S. Kewalramani, J. Jo, G. Xu, D. Chamberland, N. Abdulaziz, G. Gandikota, D. Mills, and X. Wang, “Longitudinal volumetric assessment of inflammatory arthritis via photoacoustic imaging and Doppler ultrasound imaging,” Photoacoustics 31:100514 (2023).
- V. P. Nguyen, W. Qian, J. Zhe, J. Henry, M. Wang, B. Liu, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Renally Clearable Ultraminiature Chain-Like Gold Nanoparticle Clusters for Multimodal Molecular Imaging of Choroidal Neovascularization,” Advanced Materials 35(31): e2302069 (2023).
- W. K. Lin, L. Ni, X. Wang, and J. L. Guo, and G. Xu, “Fabrication of a translational photoacoustic needle sensing probe for interstitial photoacoustic spectral analysis,” Photoacoustics 31:100519 (2023).
- L. Ni, X. Wang, and G. Xu, “Photoacoustic clinical applications: Musculoskeletal and abdominal imaging,” Z Med. Phys. 33(3): 324-335 (2023).
- Z. Xu, C. S. Locke, R. Morris, D. Jamison, K. M. Kozloff, and X. Wang, “Development of a semi-anthropomorphic photoacoustic calcaneus phantom based on nano computed tomography and stereolithography 3D printing,” J. Orthop. Res. doi: 10.1002/jor.25702. (2023).
- J. Folz, J. H. Wasserman, J. Jo, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Photoacoustic Chemical Imaging Sodium Nano-Sensor Utilizing a Solvatochromic Dye Transducer for In Vivo Application,” Biosensors 13(10): 923 (2023).
- M. Wang, R. Singh, W. Zhang, J. S. Orringer, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Cutaneous Hypervascularization Treatment Using Photo-Mediated Ultrasound Therapy,” JID Innovations 3(6):100237 (2023).
- Z. Xu, W. Zhang, C. Quesada, X. Wang, and M. Fabiilli, “Longitudinal monitoring of angiogenesis in a murine window chamber model in vivo,” Tissue Eng. Part C Methods doi: 10.1089/ten.TEC.2023.0289 (2023).
- X. Peng, A. Dentinger, S. Kewalramani, Z. Xu, S. Gray, S. Ghose, Y.T. Tan, Z. Yang, J. Jo, D. Chamberland, G. Xu, N. Abdulaziz, G. Gandikota, D. Mills, and X. Wang, “An automatic 3-D ultrasound and photoacoustic combined imaging system for human inflammatory arthritis,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 70(12): 1691-1702 (2023).
- K.W. Chang, E. Belekov, X. Wang, K.Y. Wong, Ö. Oralkan, and G. Xu, “Photoacoustic imaging of visually evoked cortical and subcortical hemodynamic activity in mouse brain: feasibility study with piezoelectric and capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) arrays”, Biomedical Optics Express, 14(12), 6283-6290(2023).
- L. Ni, W. Zhang, W. Kim, A. Warchock, A. Bicket, X. Wang, S.E. Moroi, A. Argento, and G. Xu, “3D imaging of aqueous veins and surrounding sclera using a dual-wavelength photoacoustic microscopy”, Biomedical Optics Express, 14(12), 6291-6300(2023).
- K. W. Chang, Y. Zhu, H. M. Hudson, S. Barbay, D. J. Guggenmos, R. J. Nudo, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic imaging of squirrel monkey cortical and subcortical brain regions during peripheral electrical stimulation,” Photoacoustics 25: 100326 (2022).
- Y. Qin, Y. Yu, J. Fu, M. Wang, X. Yang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Photo-mediated ultrasound therapy for the treatment of retinal neovascularization in rabbit eyes,” Lasers Surg. Med. 54(5), 747-757 (2022).
- G. Xu, N. Khan, A. Almazroa, M. Pawar, C. Besirli, Y. M. Paulus, X. Wang, and H. Demirci, “Safety evaluation of photoacoustic tomography system for intraocular tumors,” Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 11(3):30 (2022).
- K. W. Chang, Y. Zhu, X. Wang, K. Y. Wong, and G. Xu, “Label-free photoacoustic computed tomography of mouse cortical responses to retinal photostimulation using a pair-wise correlation map,” Biomed. Opt. Express 13(2), 1017-1025 (2022).
- V. P. Nguyen, J. Henry, J. Zhe, Q. Kieu, W. Qian, Y. Fu, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Age differential response to bevacizumab therapy in choroidal neovascularization in rabbit,” Exp. Eye Res. 223:109215 (2022).
- Y. Zhu, L. Ni, G. Hu, L. A. Johnson, K. A. Eaton, X. Wang, P. D. R. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Prototype endoscopic photoacoustic-ultrasound balloon catheter for characterizing intestinal obstruction,” Biomedical Optics Express 13(6), 3355-3365 (2022).
- M. S. Karthikesh, S. Wu, R. Singh, Y. M. Paulus, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “Effect of Photo-Mediated Ultrasound Therapy on Nitric Oxide and Prostacyclin from Endothelial Cells”, Applied Sciences, 12(5), 2617, 2022.
- X. Li, W. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Wu, M. Wang, X. Tan, Y.M. Paulus, X. Fan, and X. Wang “In vivo tracking of individual stem cells labeled with nanowire lasers using multimodality imaging”, Biomedical Optics Express, 13(9), 4706-4717(2022).
- L. Ni, W.K. Lin, A. Kasputis, D. Postiff, J. Siddiqui, M.J. Allaway, M.S. Davenport, J.T. Wei, J.L. Guo, T.M. Morgan, and A.M. Udager , “Assessment of prostate cancer progression using a translational needle photoacoustic sensing probe: Preliminary study with intact human prostates ex-vivo”, Photoacoustics, 28, 100418(2022).
- V.P. Nguyen, T. Zhu, J. Henry, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y.M. Paulus , “Multimodal In Vivo Imaging of Retinal and Choroidal Vascular Occlusion”, Photonics, 9(3), 201(2022).
- H. Zhang, G. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L. Wen, M. Zhang, J. Pan, P. Wang, X. Wang, Q, Cheng, and X. Wang, “Quantitatively assessing port-wine stains using a photoacoustic imaging method: A pilot study,” J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. S0190-9622(20)33183-2 (2021).
- V. P. Nguyen, J. Folz, Y. Li, J. Henry, W. Zhang, T. Qian, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Indocyanine green-enhanced multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography molecular imaging of choroidal neovascularization,” J. Biophotonics 14(5):3202000458 (2021).
- V. P. Nguyen, W. Qian, Y. Li, B. Liu, M. Aaberg, J. Henry, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Chain-like gold nanoparticle clusters for multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical cohenrence tomography enhanced molecular imaging,” Nature Communications 12(1), 34 (2021).
- Y. Li, W. Zhang, V. P. Nguyen, N. W. Khan, X. Xia, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Retinal safety evaluation of photoacoustic microscopy,” Exp. Eye Res. 202: 108368 (2021).
- V. P. Nguyen, W. Qian, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Functionalized contrast agents for multimodality photoacoustic microscopy, optical coherence tomography, and fluorescence microscopy molecular retinal imaging,” Methods Enzymol. 657, 443-480 (2021).
- V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, J. Henry, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Gold Nanorod Enhanced Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography of Choroidal Neovascularization” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13(34): 40214-40228 (2021).
- Y. Yu, Y. Qin, J. Fu, Y. Li, W. Zhang, T. Zhu, L. Jiang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Long-term multimodal imaging characterization of persistent retinal neovascularization using DL-alpha-aminoadipic acid in pigmented and white rabbits,” Exp. Eye Res. 207:108577 (2021).
- V. P. Nguyen, W. Fan, T. Zhu, W. Qian, Y. Li, B. Liu, W. Zhang, J. Henry, S. Yuan, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Long-term, noninvasive in vivo tracking of progenitor cells using multimodality photoacoustic, optical coherence tomography, and fluorescence imaging,” ACS Nano 15(8), 13289-13306 (2021).
- V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, J. Henry, T. Qian, W. Zhang, X. Wang, Y. M. Paulus, “In Vivo Subretinal ARPE-19 Cell Tracking Using Indocyanine Green Contrast-Enhanced Multimodality Photoacoustic Microscopy, Optical Coherence Tomography, and Fluorescence Imaging for Regenerative Medicine,” Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 10(10):10 (2021).
- Y. Jiang, C. Peng, Y. Zhu, X. Ma, G. Xu, J. Yuan, X. Wang, and P. Carson, “Biomedical photoacoustic imaging with unknown spatially distributed ultrasound sensor array,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. (2021). doi: 10.1109/TBME.2021.3056715.
- T. Feng, Y. Zhu, R. Morris, K. M. Kozloff, and X. Wang, “The feasibility study of the transmission mode photoacoustic measurement of human calcaneus bone in vivo,” Photoacoustics 23, 100273 (2021).
- L. Ni, J. Siddiqui, A. M. Udager, J. Jo, J. T. Wei, M. S. Davenport, P. L. Carson, J. B. Fowlkes, X. Wang, and G. Xu, “Characterizing the aggressiveness of prostate cancer using an all-optical needle photoacoustic sensing probe: feasibility study,” Biomed Opt. Express 12(8): 4873-4888 (2021).
- N. H. Ba Sunbul, W. Zhang, I. Oraiqat, D. W. Litzenberg, K. L. Lam, K. Cuneo, J. M. Moran, P. L. Carson, X. Wang, S. D. Clarke, M. M. Matuszak, S. A. Pozzi, and I. El Naqa, “A simulation study of ionizing radiation acoustic imaging (iRAI) as a real-time dosimetric technique for ultra-high dose rate radiotherapy (UHDR-RT),” Med. Phys. 48(10):6137-6151 (2021).
- Y. Qin, Y. Yu, X. Xie, W. Zhang, J. Fu, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “The effect of laser and ultrasound synchronization in photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 67(12): 3363-3370 (2020).
- Y. Zhu, T. Feng, Q. Cheng, X. Wang, S. Du, N. Sato, M. Kuniyil Ajith Singh, J. Yuan, “Towards Clinical Translation of LED-Based Photoacoustic Imaging: A Review,” Sensors (Basel) 20(9), 2484 (2020).
- W. Zhang, Y. Li, V. P. Nguyen, K. Derouin, X. Xia, Y. M. Paulus, and X. Wang, “Ultralow energy photoacoustic microscopy for ocular imaging in vivo,” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(6), 066003 (2020).
- W. Zhang, I. Oraiqat, H. Lei, P. L. Carson, I. El Naqa, and X. Wang, “Dual-Modality X-Ray-Induced Radiation Acoustic and Ultrasound Imaging for Real-Time Monitoring of Radiotherapy,” BME Frontiers, Article ID 9853609 (2020).
- I. Oraiqat, W. Zhang, D. Litzenberg, K. Lam, N. Ba Sunbul, J. Moran, K. Cuneo, P. Carson, X. Wang, and I. El Naqa, “An Ionizing Radiation Acoustic Imaging (iRAI) Technique for Real-time Dosimetric Measurements for FLASH Radiotherapy,” Medical Physics 47(10), 5090-5101 (2020).
- H. Zhang, S. Huang, Y. Chen, W. Xie, M. Zhang, J. Pan, N. Sato, X. Wang, D. Wu, and Q. Cheng, “Examining the technical feasibility of prostate cancer molecular imaging by transrectal photoacoustic tomography with transurethral illumination,” Experimental Biology and Medicine 245(4):313-320 (2020).
- S. Agrawal, K. Johnstonbaugh, J. Y. Clark, J. D. Raman, X. Wang, and S. R. Kothapalli, “Design, development, and multi-characterization of an integrated clinical transrectal ultrasound and photoacoustic device for human prostate imaging,” Diagnostics 10(8), E566 (2020).
- V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, J. Henry, W. Zhang, M. Aaberg, S. Jones, T. Qian, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Plasmonic Gold Nanostar-Enhanced Multimodal Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography Molecular Imaging To Evaluate Choroidal Neovascularization,” ACS Sensors 5(10), 3070-3081 (2020).
- V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, J. Henry, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “High Resolution Multimodal Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography Visualization of Choroidal Vascular Occlusion”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(18), 6508 (2020).
- X. Li, W. Zhang, W. Y. Wang, X. Wu, Y. Li, X. Tan, D. L. Matera, B. M. Baker, Y. M. Paulus, X. Fan, and X. Wang, “Optical coherence tomography and fluorescence microscopy dual-modality imaging for in vivo single-cell tracking with nanowire lasers,” Biomedical Optics Express 11(7), 3659-3672 (2020).
- J. Jo, J. Siddiqui, Y. Zhu, L. Ni, S. Kothapalli, S. A. Tomlins, J. T. Wei, E. T. Keller, A. M. Udager, X. Wang, and G. Xu, “Photoacoustic spectral analysis at ultraviolet wavelengths for characterizing the Gleason grades of prostate cancer,” Optics Letters 45(21), 6042-6045 (2020).
- J. Jo, G. Xu, E. Schiopu, D. Chamberland, G. Gandikota, and X. Wang, “Imaging of enthesitis by an LED-based photoacoustic system,” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(12): 126005 (2020).
- W. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Yu, K. Derouin, Y. Qin, V. P. Nguyen, X. Xia, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Simultaneous photoacoustic microscopy, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, and fluorescein microscopy multi-modality retinal imaging,” Photoacoustics 20, 100194 (2020).
- J. W. Y. Tan, J. Folz, R. Kopelman, and X. Wang, “In vivo photoacoustic potassium imaging of the tumor microenvironment,” Biomedical Optics Express 11(7), 3507-3522 (2020).
- T. Feng, Y. Zhu, R. Morris, K. M. Kozloff, and X. Wang, “Functional Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Assessment of Osteoporosis: A Clinical Feasibility Study,” BME Frontiers 2020, 1081540 (2020).
- M. Wang, Y. Qin, T. Wang, J. S. Orringer, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Removing subcutaneous microvessels using photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 52(10): 984-992 (2020).
- Y. Qin, Y. Yu, J. Fu, X. Xie, T. Wang, M. A. Woodward, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Photo-mediated ultrasound therapy for the treatment of corneal neovascularization in rabbit eyes,” Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 9(13):16 (2020).
- Y. Xu, Y. Wang, J. Yuan, Q. Cheng, X. Wang, and P. L. Carson, “Medical breast ultrasound image segmentation by machine learning,” Ultrasonics 91, 1-9 (2019).
- C. H. Lee, J. Folz, J.W.Y. Tan, J. Jo, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “Chemical imaging in vivo: photoacoustic-based 4-dimensional chemical analysis,” Analytical Chemistry 91(4), 2561-2569 (2019).
- X. Li, Y. Qin, X. Tan, Y.-C. Chen, Q. Chen, W.-H. Weng, X. Wang, and X. Fan, “Ultrasound modulated droplet lasers,” ACS Photonics 6(2), 531-537 (2019).
- O. Rom, G. Xu, Y. Guo, Y. Zhu, H. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Fan, W. Liang, H. Lu, Y. Liu, M. Aviram, Z. Liu, S. Kim, W. Liu, X. Wang, Y. E. Chen, and L. Villacorta, “Nitro-fatty acids protect against steatosis and fibrosis during development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice,” EBioMedicine 41, 62-72 (2019).
- V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, W. Qian, B. Liu, C. Tian, W. Zhuang, Z. Huang, A. Ponduri, M. Tarnowski, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Contrast agent enhanced multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography for imaging of rabbit choroidal and retinal vessels in vivo,” Scientific Reports 9(1):5945 (2019).
- H. Lei, L. A. Johnson, K. A. Eaton, S. Liu, J. Ni, X. Wang, P. D. R. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Characterizing intestinal strictures of Crohn’s disease in vivo by endoscopic photoacoustic imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express 10(5), 2542-2555 (2019).
- X. Lu, X. Dong, S. Natla, O. D. Kripfgans, J. B. Fowlkes, X. Wang, R. Franceschi, A. J. Putnam, and M. L. Fabiilli, “Parametric Study of Acoustic Droplet Vaporization Thresholds and Payload Release From Acoustically-Responsive Scaffolds,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 45(9), 2471-2484 (2019).
- Y. Li, W. Zhang, V. P. Nguyen, R. Rosen, X. Wang, X. Xia, and Y. M. Paulus, “Real-time OCT guidance and multimodal imaging monitoring of subretinal injection induced choroidal neovascularization in rabbit eyes,” Experimental Eye Research 186, 107714 (2019).
- J. W. Y. Tan, M. D. Murashov, G. R. Rosania, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic imaging of clofazimine hydrochloride nanoparticle accumulation in cancerous vs normal prostates,” PLoS One 14(7), e0219655 (2019).
- V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “High-resolution multimodal photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography image-guided laser induced branch retinal vein occlusion in living rabbits,” Scientific Reports 9(1), 10560 (2019).
- W. Zhang, Y. Qin, X. Xie, Z. Hu, Y. M. Paulus, X. Yang, and X. Wang, “Real-time photoacoustic sensing for photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” Optics Letters 44(16), 4063-4066 (2019).
- Y. Zhu, X. Lu, X. Dong, J. Yuan, M. L. Fabiilli, and X. Wang, “LED-based photoacoustic imaging for monitoring angiogenesis in fibrin scaffolds,” Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 25(9), 523-531 (2019).
- Y. Zhu, L. A. Johnson, J. M. Rubin, H. Appelman, L. Ni, J. Yuan, X. Wang, P. D. R. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Strain-photoacoustic imaging as a potential tool for characterizing intestinal fibrosis,” Gastroenterology 157(5), 1196-1198 (2019).
- J. Jo, C. H. Lee, J. Floz, J. W. Y. Tan, X. Wang, and R. Kopelman, “In Vivo Photoacoustic Lifetime Based Oxygen Imaging with Tumor Targeted G2 Polyacrylamide Nanosonophores,” ACS Nano 13(12), 14024-14032 (2019).
- X. Ma, C. Peng, J. Yuan, Q. Cheng, G. Xu, X. Wang, and P. L. Carson, “Multiple Delay and Sum with Enveloping Beamforming Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 39(6), 1812-1821 (2019).
- X. Zhou, D. Cai, X. He, S.-L. Chen, X. Wang, and T. Yang, “Ultrasound detection at fiber end-facets with surface plasmon resonance cavities,” Optics Letters 43(4), 775-778 (2018).
- C. Tian, W. Zhang, V. P. Nguyen, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Novel Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography Dual-modality Chorioretinal Imaging in Living Rabbit Eyes,” J. Vis. Exp.(132), e57135, doi:10.3791/57135 (2018).
- T. Koker, N. Tang, C. Tian, W. Zhang, X. Wang, R. Martel, and F. Pinaud, “Cellular imaging by targeted assembly of hot-spot SERS and photoacoustic nanoprobes using split-fluorescent protein scaffolds,” Nature Communications 9(1): 607 (2018).
- Y. Zhu, L. A. Johnson, Z. Huang, J. M. Rubin, J. Yuan, H. Lei, J. Ni, X. Wang, P. D. R. Higgins, and G. Xu, “Identifying intestinal fibrosis and inflammation by spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging: an animal study in vivo,” Biomedical Optics Express 9(4), 1590-1600 (2018).
- S. Huang, Y. Qin, Y. Chen, J. Pan, C. Xu, D. Wu. W. Y. Chao, J. T. Wei, S. A. Tomlins, X. Wang, J. B. Fowlkes, P. L. Carson, Q. Cheng, and G. Xu, “Interstitial assessment of aggressive prostate cancer by physio-chemical photoacoustics: an ex vivo study with intact human prostates,” Medical Physics 45(9), 4125-4132 (2018).
- J. W. Y. Tan, C. H. Lee, R. Kopelman, and X. Wang, “Transient Triplet Differential (TTD) Method for Background Free Photoacoustic Imaging,” Scientific Reports 8(1), 9290 (2018). PMCID: PMC6006254
- S. Li, Y. Qin, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “Bubble growth in cylindrically-shaped optical absorbers during photo-mediated ultrasound therapy,” Physics in Medicine & Biology 63(12), 125017 (2018).
- Y. Zhu, G. Xu, J. Yuan, J. Jo, G. Gandikota, H. Demirci, T. Agano, N. Sato, Y. Shigeta, and X. Wang, “Light emitting diodes based photoacoustic imaging and potential clinical applications,” Scientific Reports 8(1), 9885 (2018).
- H. Zhang, X. Xie, J. Li, Y. Qin, W. Zhang, Q. Cheng, S. Yuan, Q. Liu, Y. M. Paulus, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “Removal of choroidal vasculature using concurrently applied ultrasound bursts and nanosecond laser pulses,” Scientific Reports 8(1): 12848 (2018).
- H. Lei, W. Zhang, I. Oraiqat, Z. Liu, J. Ni, X. Wang, and I. El Naqa, “Toward in vivo dosimetry in external beam radiotherapy using x-ray acoustic computed tomography: A soft-tissue phantom study validation,” Medical Physics 45(9), (2018).
- J. Jo, C. Tian, G. Xu, J. Sarazin, E. Schiopu, G. Gandikota, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic tomography for human musculoskeletal imaging and inflammatory arthritis detection,” Photoacoustics 12, 82-89 (2018).
- J. Jo, G. Xu, Y. Zhu, M. Burton, J. Sarazin, E. Schiopu, G. Gandikota, and X. Wang, “Detecting joint inflammation by an LED-based photoacoustic imaging system: a feasibility study,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(11), 1-4 (2018).
- M. D. Murashov, J. Diaz-Espinosa, V. LaLone, J.W.Y. Tan, R. Laza, X. Wang, and G. R. Rosania, “Synthesis and Characterization of a Biomimetic Formulation of Clofazimine Hydrochloride Microcrystals for Parenteral Administration,” Pharmaceutics 10(4), 238 (2018).
- W. Zhang, Y. Li, V. P. Nguyen, Z. Huang, Z. Liu, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “High-resolution, in vivo multimodal photoacoustic microscopy, optical coherence tomography, and fluorescence microscopy imaging of rabbit retinal neovascularization,” Light: Science & Applications 7:103 (2018).
- V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, M. Aaberg, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “In Vivo 3D Imaging of Retinal Neovascularization Using Multimodal Photoacoustic Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging,” Journal of Imaging 4(12), 150 (2018).
- V. P. Nguyen, Y. Li, W. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. M. Paulus, “Multi-wavelength, en-face photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography imaging for early and selective detection of laser induced retinal vein occlusion,” Biomedical Optics Express 9(12), 5915-5938 (2018).
- Z. Hu, H. Zhang, A. Mordovanakis, Y. Paulus, Q. Liu, X. Wang, and X. Yang, “High-precision, non-invasive anti-microvascular approach via concurrent ultrasound and laser irradiation,” Scientific Reports 7, 40241 (2017).
- X. Gao, C. Tao, X. Liu, and X. Wang, “Photoacoustic eigen-spectrum from light-absorbing microspheres and its application in noncontact elasticity evaluation,” Applied Physics Letters 110, 054101 (2017).
- S. Hickling, H. Lei, M. Hobson, P. Leger, X. Wang, and I. El Naqa, “Experimental evaluation of x-ray acoustic computed tomography for radiotherapy dosimetry applications,” Medical Physics 44(2), 608-617 (2017).
- H. Zhang, W.-Y. Chao, Q. Cheng, S. Huang, X. Wang, D. Wu, and G. Xu, “Interstitial photoacoustic spectral analysis: instrumentation and validation,” Biomedical Optics Express 8(3), 1689-1697 (2017). PMCID: PMC5480572.
- G. Xu, Y. Xue, Z. G. Ozkurt, N. Slimani, X. Wang, K. Xia, T. Ma, Q. Zhou, and H. Demirci, “Photoacoustic imaging features of intraocular tumors: retinoblastoma and uveal melanoma,” PLoS one 12(2), e0170752 (2017). PMCID: PMC5322961.
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